6 Spring Break Safety Tips

Spring is here! The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and the kids are ready to swim! Most kids are excited about getting back into the groove of swimming, but in order to keep pools, oceans, and lakes a fun place, it is MORE important to keep them safer. Water is a hazard and is never entirely safe, hence why we need to prepare for water interaction! Even though you may not have swam in any pools during the winter or even thought about taking a dip in the ocean, the water and its potential problems are still present. These tips that we are sharing will help you and your family feel safe in AND around the water!

Enrolling in a CPR class or swim lessons before you head out on your water-filled adventures would be very beneficial for your experience. Learning CPR prior to your spring break will help your mind stay at ease while your little ones are jumping in and out of the pool. You never know what may happen while your family is on vacation; it’s better to be safe than sorry! Preparing also means that your children should have proper swim lessons before taking on spring break. Formal swimming lessons reduces the risk of drowning by 88% among children ages 1-4. At Love Swimming, babies can even join the Parent Tot class as young as 6 months old! Swim lessons can help protect your children from the dangers of the water.

Here are some tips your family should follow to prepare for spring break:

  1. Pack tools, not just toys. There is a false sense of security gained by parents and children who wear floaties. It is important that these devices are not replacements for life vests and are not guaranteed to protect your children. They are also not safe enough to take your eyes off your children while they are swimming.
  2. Be careful with breath-holding games. Everyone loves to see how long they can hold their breath under the water, especially when you beat your friends. But, make sure these games are held to a minimum; it doesn’t take much to go unconscious and sink in the water.
  3. If the thunder roars, go indoors. Make sure you are mindful of the weather while you’re swimming outdoors. Secure shelter before lightning strikes – you don’t want to be in the water during a lightning storm.
  4. Don’t consume alcohol around the water. Nearly 70% of water related deaths among teens and adults involved the use of alcohol. Drinking alcohol could make you less aware if you are supposed to watching your children swimming. Be safe and keep your consumption to a minimum during your spring break.
  5. Use the buddy system. NEVER swim alone or have your children swim without adults watching. Even if there is a lifeguard on duty, do not assume that your kids will be safe, especially in crowded public pools. If your child is not a strong swimmer, make sure you have them stay safe and swim within an arm’s length away from you.
  6. Always use sunscreen. Use a waterproof sunscreen with at least 15 SPF and reapply about every 2 hours. Also, it takes about 30 minutes for sunscreen to absorb into the skin.

Springtime is so beautiful and a perfect time for you and your family to get some sun and fun! We hope you find these tips helpful 🙂